Form1 TYNEE Form1% cancelentry Cancel Command1 Command6 Paste Command2 Picture1 Command5 readout Form_Click @ form_load0 text1F text1_SetFocusb Text1_Change Text1_GotFocusT picture1 height width Picture1_Click~ picture' picture1_mousedown$ buttonU Shift] pring\ pplat yThenA ctotal label1 caption recvd_key Text1_KeyDown KeyCode cfunction clearall Text2_Change Label2_Click Label2_MouseDown| Label3_Click clearentry; function_pressedL slash minus equal lastplatY cvalue Label1_Click Label1_MouseDown Label3_MouseDown cfunction_pressed lastfunct caccum0 lfunctionK functdone accum cfungtiono lastopr neonM oflow oflow2 priorfunctE prioropr cfunct Command1_Click= form1" minimize TRUEZ windowstate Command3_Click Command4_Click Form_MouseMove elseifIf+ Command5_Click clipboard cf_text cf_linkc Command6_Click gotclipk noinifile form2v loadf visible Command2_Click FALSE] decimalflag numops lastinput opflag Cancel_Click readout decimal_click cancelentry_Click operator_click lasttotal incountU decimal number_click times| opcode where_place xplace yplace hplace indata Tynee inifile noinifile2 bottom pgrid` I copied most of the code from the calculator sample thatt was provided with VB from Microsoft (why rewrite it?)) There is a different slant to this program in that I use a picture instead of buttons for the numbers and operands. I drew the keyboard in PBRUSH, trying to keep the rows and columns equal in size. When I got it into the form as a picture, I found that it was very close (in twips) too having each row be the same height and each column being the same width. This enabled me to be able to write the simple FOR...NEXT code in Picture1_Mousedown. Subroutine picture1_mousedown shows how I partition thee picture into "grids" to determine which numbers or operands were under the mouse when it was clicked.. Mike Wilson CIS 71261,63 August 1991 row, column -- top left to bottom Cancel_Click cancelentry_Click Command1_Click save the top & left location of the form when minimized TYNEE.INI [Tynee] minimize Command2_Click Command5_Click copy readout to win clipboardo Command6_Click retrieve text (hopefully a numeric string) from win clipboard call rte that processes numbersr decimal_click form_load read the .ini file -- if error, place it in default area tynee.ini number_click operator_click Can't divide by zero Tynee picture1_mousedown picture1 is divided into 4 rows and 4 columns of equal twips find row that mouse was clicked on; height of row is 229 twips tell which row i.e. 40 =row 4 col width is 151 twips; find column that mouse was clicked on add column to row*10 i.e. row 4, col 1 (O) is 41* an operand rest are numbers go process the number